This year I have found using my netbook to be successful.
I have enjoyed using my netbook because...
I can comment on class blogs and individual blogs and give ideas to the person as to what they need to work on.You can comment on schools and say how you liked their videos and poems.You can take a look at their work and if its good you can just make a comment on how it looks fantastic.I love having an individual blog because when you finish a piece of work you can just post it onto your individual blog and it will show you how many posts you have put on your blog.
The barriers in using my netbook are...
Flash problems on Maths Whizz.When we go onto our netbook and it’s time for Maths Whizz sometimes my Maths Whizz programme has a flash problem.When my netbook is not working for Maths Whizz we go onto sumdog or finish off some work.Sometimes when we have flash problems with Maths Whizz we always refresh and it works and we start our tutor until it’s over till the end of the session in case it’s morning tea or lunch.
The interesting aspects/parts to using my netbook are...
Going on the Room five site.When you're on a document and you have to find information you can go on your netbook and go onto Panmure Bridge School site and you go on the Room five site and you can find your information from anywhere like in
Reading,Maths,Art,Writing and Topic and a whole bunch of stuff.
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