Rose: Reflecting on my Papier Mache Hot Air Balloon
1. Are you pleased with your Hot Air Balloon? why / why not
Yes because I’ve been working on it and I am just proud that I made it.2. What did you find easy when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
Getting some brown paper and some crayons and rubbing the texture of the concrete onto the paper. 3. What part did you find tricky when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
Creating the segments. Holding the ribbon while someone uses a pencil to rule the segments.4. Who / What helped you when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
Mostly it was my buddy Pace and it was Latisha.5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: Painting, Smoothing, Gluing of ribbon, Glittering and Time Management.
I would do Gluing of ribbon differently.6. What frustrated you when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
When the string that Miss Paton put into the balloon came away. It took her ages to thread the string through the holes.